Legalization of Marijuana
The Legalization of Marijuana The legalization of marijuana has been debated for decades, and is a topic that many are passionate about.Today, marijuana has become a point of widespread controversy, and there have been several recent state and federal jurisdictions to both restrict the drug further and to decriminalize it as well. Though support for legalization has significantly increased in recent years, there are points to be made on both sides of the argument, highlighting the benefits and detriments of legalization. Advocates for legalization argue that prison overpopulation and extremely high numbers of drug related arrests are unfair to common citizens who simply use marijuana for personal reasons. Opposers of this movement view marijuana as a threat to our society, especially the youth, and argue that the negative effects such as addiction and health threats outweigh the risk of overcrowded prisons. Marijuana has been used in our society dating back as far as ...